Monday, 2 September 2013

Inversion hair growth including pictures

Hey guys and dolls so I recently had may hair cut short because I had ruined my hair with heat styling and washing my hair everyday. So I was looking on youtube on how to grow my hair fast and ways to keep it healthy while doing so, and in between all of the usual youtube videos about using no heat etc I found this method which claims to grow hair by 1 inch in a week.

In order to do this you will need:
4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
Small bowl

1. Measure out 4 tablespoons of olive oil into the small bowl and microwave it for 30 seconds.
2. Then leave it to for 2 minutes roughly to let it cool down slightly.
3.Once it has cooled down slightly put the towel around your shoulders as this can get quite messy
4. Start to massage the olive oil into the roots of your hair and also through the lengths of your hair.
5. Once your whole head is covered, tip your hair upside down and leave it in this position for 4 minutes, if at any time your start to feel light headed or dizzy etc stop immediately.

These steps must me repeated over 7 consecutive days and supposedly it helps the blood flow to the scalp therefore helping with hair growth.

Here is a picture of my hair after being cut on the 02/09/2013:

( please excuse how I look with no make-up on)

From the picture above it is very clear that my hair has grown by quite a lot when measured my hair has grow one inch and a half. Eeeeek. I have to be honest I didn't actually think I would work so well. I highly recommend this hair growth method, I will re do this every month to help aid my hair growth.

If any of you have tried this before then please comment below and let me know if it worked for you.

Thanks for reading,
Katherine Elizabeth x